Jap tko kot naslov vam vse pove:)
Sam bom naredil 4-5 stranski strip za Gib čeprav je na začetku bilo planirano kar 6 strani vendar mi ni uspelo za prvi del Gib-a narediti obeh strani:/ seveda za na blog bo najbrs kar 6 stranski;)
Nisem pa ga naredil ker nism bil sposoben (partys,raining days,lenoba,učenje ma vsega boga blo)
Torej strip sem narisal sam vendar glede besedila sta mi pa pomagali Nina in Klara :) Thx obema;)
torek, 13. november 2007
Gib- Strip
Avtor Eagle ob 15:13 8 komentarji
Se opravičujem ker že nekaj časa nisem objavlal nič vendar sem končno našel čas in kliknil na svoj blogec ter na Nova objava hehe .Jap res peklensko teško je blo to storit:P
No na forumu od mojih prjatlov, ki imajo metalsko skupina in se imenujejo Asgard, sem opazil njihovo temo "Nou logo". V njej so se pogovarjali ali bi želeli si ga spremeniti ali kaj dodati in tako naprej. In seveda ker se jaz ukvarjam z računalniškem risanjem sem se odločil da jim bom malo pomagal in jim naredil 3 primere. In za enega so bili navdušeni in bom sprobal ga še poboljšat:)
Kaj si pa vi mislite?;)
Avtor Eagle ob 14:59 4 komentarji
petek, 26. oktober 2007
Mentos + diet Cola
Ja ok to je stara fora za mentos in colo ampak tale experiment pa še nism vidu:P
Enostavno fantastično narjeno:)
Avtor Eagle ob 15:50 2 komentarji
četrtek, 25. oktober 2007
četrtek, 18. oktober 2007
2 novi Kreaciji hehe
Čer vsem skup:)
Se opravičujem da nisem že kar nekaj časa pisal na blogu vendar mi šola enostavno ni dopustila:/ PReveč učenja in premal uživanja ni kej hehe. No evo spet pišem nov post in tokrat z namenom da predstavim moji novi 2 kreaciji (kasneje še pride strip kateri bo bil veni nasledni teden za Gib).
Kak se vam kej zdita?:)
Aja pa ponavljam če bo kdo kaj kdaj želel da mu kej ustvarim sam rečte;)
P.S.: Drax to je tale prvotni tvoj logo hehe sam mi ga nažalost ni takrat uspel dokončat hitr;)
Avtor Eagle ob 17:50 6 komentarji
ponedeljek, 1. oktober 2007
Ja vsi se počutimo posebno včasih vendar ne znamo takšen občutek obrazložiti:)
No mogoče pa vam to razloži direktor(Tim Kring) nove fantazijske serijske uspešnice imenovane
Na kratko vam bom povedu za par junakov in ktere moči imajo (če vas pa zanima več pa mi sam rečte pa vam zapečem 1 sezono na 2 dvdja):
Claire Bennet- je deklica, ki ima moč neverjetno hitrega celjenja (npr. si zlomi vrat in se ji popravi ter zaceli nazaj ali pa izpah)
D.L. Hawking- črnec, ki je sposoben spremeniti svojo telesno dimenzijo in s tem lahko hodi preko objektov(npr. čez zid,metek gre skozi glavo itd.)
Isaac Mendez- je nadarjeni risar,ki na začetku s pomočjo heroina aktivira svojo moč in nariše prihodnost sveta in dogodkov v obliki stripa(kasneje se tudi nauči brez uporab drog)
Hiro Nakamura- je japonec, ki je s pomočjo svojega uma ustavil čas ter kasneje se naučil skakati v preteklost in prihodnost (na začetku je lahko samo ustavil uro za 1 sekundo:)Aja in večino časa govori japonsko ter se trudi govoriti tudi angleško hehe, funny ni kej:))
Matt Parkman- je policaj, ki je odkril da ima sposobnost za branje misli
Nathan Petrelli- je človek, ki ima v sebi gen za letenje (yeap he's like a superman)
Peter Petrelli- je brat od Nathana vendar njegova sposobnost ni letenje vendar lahko uporablja moči tistega evoliranega človeka, ki je zraven njega (npr. zraven brata lahko leti, zraven Claire se lahko hitro regenerira itd.)
Micah Sanders- je sin od D.L. Hawkinsa in je zelo mladi fant vendar je že razvil sposobnost katera mu omogoča komuniciranje z napravami (technopath, jap kontrolira računalnikom in podobnim stvarem(wish I could hehe))
Niki Sanders- je mati Micah Sandersa in ima sposobnost nadnaravne moči ter dvojno osebnost,ki je v tem primeru njena mrtva sestra Jessica.
Mohinder Suresh- je profesor genetike tako kot je bil njegov oče dokler ga niso ubili. Mohinder je šel raziskovati smrt njegovega očeta in med raziskavo je prišel v stik z ljudmi, ki imajo nadnaravne moči.
V prvi sezoni se še pojavijo par oseb katerih se nažalost ne spomnim imen vendar vam jih bom opisal:
1.Mlada ženska, ki je živela zraven Mohindringa očeta in mu je tudi kuhala občasno. Ona ima sposobnost upravljati oz. kontrolirati z vsemi(samo reče jim kaj naj nardijo in jo poslušajo.<-- Fatalna ženska ni kej:D)
2.Črnec (Haitec naj bi bil), ima sposobnost onesposabljati moči drugih in jim spremeniti oziroma tudi zbrisati spomine(kot Barrier in Mind eraser)
3.Človek, ki lahko sprošča sevanje brez bilokakšnih radioaktivnih snovi.Enostavno poveča sevanje okoli sebe in lahko ustvari atomsko bombo (Take that BUSH!!!:))
No to bi bilo tudi vse zaenkrat:) Ko kaj več izvem bom še dodal haha:)
Evo vam dve slikci:(ena je že na vrhu Ddddddd:P)
Avtor Eagle ob 17:05 2 komentarji
ponedeljek, 17. september 2007
sreda, 12. september 2007
Draxov Logo
Evo drax:D
Tegale sm ti zaenkrat naredu...
Mam še enega v mislih ampak tist bo prsu kasnej ko bom mel vec cajta hehe;)
Avtor Eagle ob 19:01 1 komentarji
torek, 11. september 2007
PS3 Opening
PS3 !!!!!
Wooohooooo je bil prvi krik ko sem dobil svoj lasten PS3 končno v roke:)
Ko sem prijel škatlo v svoje roke sm začutil misteriozno moč. Moč, ki je presegala X-box 360!
Seveda moč njegove teže hehe jap jebat ga PS3 je dokaj težji od X-box360 vendar je zaradi tega tolko bolj tišji;)
No tuki je en zanimiv filmček ob odpiranju PS3-ja pr prjatlu kjer smo imeli zabavo:)
Pozorni bodite ko vidite slavnosti padec neznane osebe znane pod nicknamom RUBUZ:)
Enyoj hehe
Avtor Eagle ob 15:28 4 komentarji
ponedeljek, 10. september 2007
New Planet: The Ultimate training
The planet of Combining was attacked from every single God in the Galaxy. And the planet itself has fallen. But one village has manage to survive and fought back. But the one who saved them from certain extinction was the talented boy who used his powers to save his friends,animals and the survivors. When the boy used his powers he created a mist all around the people and in the next second they all disappeared.
The boy opened his eyes and noticed that he is lying on the ground with it's back on it. He then saw that the sky above him, filled with stars that he couldn't recognize. Deep inside him there was a feeling that was telling him that he is safe here. Slowly he stood up and looked around him. He saw his friends also lying on the grass like he did just minute ago. And they also started to stand up one by one. Everyone was looking at someone thinking that the person they are looking at will answer them where they are. But everyone just stood quietly until the boy spoke:"This is our new home everyone!" and showed them the view that they will never forget it. Everyone realized that they are standing on a field of grass and all around there were animals of different species. They didn't recognize any of them. Although some of them looked angry and powerful and as if they could attack them in any moment. But everyone had a feeling that this animals are good in nature and that they won't harm any other beings.On the left they saw strange forest that was formed with bizarre trees. Instead of normal trees that were made of wood there were trees that resembled crystals and inside of them were sparks and sometimes this sparks would form a lightning of some sort. On the right they saw a big river which was literally glowing with a beautiful crystal light. But the most beautiful view was the one in front of them.When they looked onto the horizon they saw 7 sundowns at once. And they created a mixture of different colors which spread all across the valley before them. Everyone was stunned by the view. They felt calm,happiness and love. The oldest person in this group of people was a former chief of their village back on planet Combining. He immediately gathered all the people around him and started to organize groups which would do certain jobs until they establish an establishment. They manage to build a couple of thunderwood houses before all of the suns went down. They also gathered enough food and water so that they would survive at least a week before they would need to gather it again. But none of this would be possible if the boy wouldn't tell them how to harvest food from the animals and how to cut the thundering trees.
When all the suns went down and then began a night, the chief of the establishment called for the boy to come to his "house" so that they could talk.After a few minutes the boy knocked on his roof since the so called doors were actually a blanket.The whole "house" looks actually like a triangle tent.
Chief:"You may enter".
And the boy entered.The chief started to look at him with his strange eyes.
Then after a few moments he asked:"What is your name boy?"
"My name is Kibarashi Osaku. But everyone just calls me Kiba."
"Ohhh.So you're the descendant of the powerfull clan called Charaka. Tell me were you the one who saved us from our fate,Kiba?"
"I think so yet I alone am not sure what excactly have I done,sir. It's like I know this place as if it's my home.I really can't explain the feeling but that's what I fell."answered the boy.
"I see.Now I finally understand.The power that flows in your blood is truthfully unlimited. But you probably don't remember how you did it because you used it to much and your body just couldn't maintained it.Tell me how do you feel?I mean how is your strength?And your skills? Are you able to still use them?"asked the chief with a happy yet worried face.
"Well...I tried but it's really hard to maintain them or to summon them. Back on Combining planet I was able to use them without any trouble at all.But now it's truly difficult. Do you perhaps know why,sir?"asked Kiba."Yes I think I alone am the only one that understands the whole situation IF I'm not mistaken that is hehe,"laughed the old geezer "You can't use your skills so easily because your body was over damaged of some sort." started to explain the chief when Kiba interrupted him:"Wait!!!So I won't be able to do anything anymore?Am I gonna be a weakling for all my life?!".Chief calmly replied:"No.There is a way for you to return all your skill back.Actually you can even improve them and upgrade them to another level. Like I have said before, your clan Charaka is known for it's unusual amount of power which we refer to as Chi.
You see most of people are limited with their own powers and they can specialize only for one group of skills. Like for instance the builders can only practice the Chi of Reinforcement. With it they can either strengthen their bodies or gather their Chi in different parts of body to create a powerful weapon. But you are different.Actually your whole clan is, assuming that your brothers and sisters survived on our previous planet. You have unlimited Chi and therefore you can master all of the skill groups."
"So I can get all my skills back?Please,will you teach me how?I beg you!!!" begged Kiba.
"Of course I shall!Hehe. It would be a tremendous waste of your talent if I wouldn't hehe.But I do have to warn you that you will have to go under a hard training if you wish to succeed in returning your previous skills.I'll create an Ultimate training by tomorrow.Now go and take a nice long sleep.Tomorrow's a busy day for you hehe." laughed chief.
"Yaaay!Thank you,sir!Ohhh before I leave may I know your name?I don't like to call you "sir" always." asked Kiba with a little smile."You can call me Sieg,"replied the old geezer."Thank you again Sieg and goodnight!See you in the morning hehe!" and so Kiba left his "house" with a big smile on his face.
"I surely hope he is up for the training but then again I won't know it until he tries hehe," said Sieg to himself...
Avtor Eagle ob 19:46 0 komentarji
WACOM grafična tablica A5 GRAPHIRE 4 STUDIO XL
Se opravičujem ker nekaj časa nisem napisal nobenga novega posta ampak enostavno se mi ni dalo:/ Pa seveda še kakšen party je bil vmes in potem se mi je še manj zaželelo pisanja hehe:)
No pred kakšnim tednom sem si kupil svojo PRVO risalno tabelo:)
Stala me je dobrih 220eur(katerih mi ni žal).Moram rečt da je ta tabela enostavno zelo praktična in neverjetno idealna v vseh pogojih:) Seveda bi lahko si kupil kakšno bolšo tabelo vendar za začetek je da več kot dovolj;)
Evo nekaj statističnih podatkov:
Aktivno območje: 208.8 x 150.8 mm
Resolucija: 2000dpi
Hitre tipke: 2
Natančnost: +/- 0.5 mm
Vmesnik: USB, Dolžina kabla: 1.5m
Teža: 860g
Dimenzije Enote: 208x203.8x17.8mm (Š×GxV)
Specifikacija Peresa:
Občutljivost: 512 nians pritiska
Stranska gumba: 2
Teža: 12g
Dimenzije: 137 x 12 mm
Licenčna Programska oprema:
Adobe Photoshop Elements
NIK Color efex Pro 2.0
In še par slikic da vidite kako izgleda tale stvarca:)
Avtor Eagle ob 19:16 6 komentarji
torek, 4. september 2007
nedelja, 26. avgust 2007
petek, 24. avgust 2007
New Planet:Prologue
In the times when Gods ruled the world and the magic was part of a normal life, all was thought to be well and good. But that was just a illusion which everyone hoped for.A common dream of some sort.The reality was much darker.The Gods should protect their own worlds and help it to prosper in peace.But the Gods knew that no one else has the same amount of power as they have,except another God.
In this galaxy there were 6 inhabited worlds which lived in harmony with each other for many eras.Their names are: Planet of Water,Planet of Nature, Planet of Fire, Planet of Wind,Planet of Rock and the Planet of Combining.
Each of these planets were unique with it's own unique ecosystem and unique life.The only thing in common that all the planets had were the greedy and powerful Gods which always wanted more until a day came when they have decided to expand their territory and to force their own worshipers to fight in their names! At first the Gods gave false signs that a war is coming in which their city in which the people worshiped a certain God is going to be consumed and probably destroyed if the people won't train in martial arts and magic to fight back.
Although for all to attack and fight for one planet at once was highly impossible...unfortunately that is what exactly happened. Every single God in this Galaxy wanted to conquer the Planet of Combining because of it's own unique and strange ecosystem and resources. The Gods wanted it so badly that they have totally forgotten about their worshipers at their home planet which were waging a war with other Gods on the same planet. The Planet of combining was in terrible state. It was consumed in smoke and darkness. The only thing that was good on it died with the numerous invasions of different armies with different Gods.
All the villages and cities were burned and destroyed except for one small village. There lived people which were talented in using magic and also martial arts and were expert in crafting,smithing,casting and training their bodies. They defeated an army of 200.000 men with only 1000 people(among them were also children).This village was the only ray of hope for this world.Actually the only ray of hope was a little boy who was praised to be the kid that was born under the Star of Masters.This child mastered all martial arts including magic and building his body to the max at the age of 7. He killed 2000 warriors with a single blow. But when a God joined the enemy forces. His powers proved to be nothing compared to the Gods. The village was defeated and also almost all of it's inhabitants were cornered on the square.500 warriors and mags were defending the boy in the middle. The boy was shocked,in pain and sad when he saw a foreign God that was tearing his parents in the sky to pieces. It is that event that made him swore to flee and train so he could kill every single God in the future that rules in this Galaxy. In that moment the sky turned dark blue.The thunders struck all around the inhabitants making a defensive barrier of some sort. Everyone turned and pointed their eyes into the boy. His eyes turned green and in them there were thunder sparks. In a mere second in the Galaxy yet for everyone else it was an eternity.A new planet was born and with it a new ray of hope and new life. The kid created it and at the same time he teleported all of the living inhabitants of the Planet of Combining to the newly borned Planet THUNDER. And that's how the kids story begins.
Next Title:"The Ultimate training"
Ok tuki sm mal napisu začetek zgodbice o kateri sm fantaziru ze od...emmm od malih nog hehe:) Pravzaprav od 6ega leta ko sm dobil svoj prvi računalnik:) (vendar takrat je blo v slovenščini ane;))
Avtor Eagle ob 10:17 0 komentarji
nedelja, 19. avgust 2007
Mja...ura je 00:00 naklučje???Not likely:)
Pršu pravkar iz morja:) Wooohooo uživu 100 na uro s svojimi best frendi;)(khm iz mojega rojstnega kraja ane drgač jih mam še več).
Bilo je super...Čeprav pri potovanju od Brežic do Pule(kampa Stoje) je bilo majčkeno naporno in imeli smo težavo saj je naš šofer (katerega nesmem poimenovati zaradi varnostnih razlogov pač) poču avtomobilsko gumo na parkir placu pri bencinski pumpi...jap prav ste slišal poču je GUMO:) pa še to da je blo na parkingu hehe:) Ampak skoraj v vsaki nesreči se znajde prikrasti tudi sreča:) Guma je počla na Slovenski strani haha:) In tako smo nadomestili (5 nas je blo) majhno rezervno gumo, ki je bolj zgledala za moped kot pa za avto in njene zmožnosti so ble 80 hm/h ter 50milj...Tako sva s šoferjem odšla(jst sm seveda bil koordinator) iskati vulkanizerja v Izoli...Seveda takoj ko sva prišla do prvega je pisalo...ne boste verjeli CLOSED!Smo na dopustu. Pravo razočaranje, ki se je še povečalo ko smo pri Seatovi prodajalni avtomobilov in imeli so tudi seveda servis prosili če bi nam lahko gumo zamenjali in so nas odvrnili saj nismo imeli SEAT avto-_-. Vendar na srečo so nam vsaj povedali da obstaja dober vulkanizer v Kopru in wooopididu sva se s šoferjem skupaj z "mopedovo gumo" odpravla v Koper. Na poti do Kopra se nama je skoraj pripetila še ena nesreča.Avto ki je bil ob nami je dobesedno zavil v nas in skoraj razbil nam vrata in avto...Na srečo so se šoferjeve sposobnosti pokazale in je nemudoma zavil ter upočasnil.Hip hip hura za mojga šoferja:) Ko sva končno prispela do Vulkanizerja v Kopru sva morala počakati še 20 min da se odpre...prava muka:/. No končn se je odprla in sva lepo zapeljala notri sva zvedela, da pri njih nimajo nobeno gumo, ki bi bila za naš avto-_-. Another bad luck, vendar ko sva bila že čisto pri tleh so nama rekli da imajo blizu še eno vulkanizersko in tam tudi izdelavajo gume ter da tam pa imajo točno 1 gumo, ki je bila glih za naš avto. Zahvalila sva se jim in hitr odrvela po gumo kot Robin in Batman brez mask in pokrival;) Končno ko smo kupili novo gumo...jo namestili sva hitro odrvela po ostale prijatle in POT dragi moji se je lepo mirno in hitro nadaljevala vse do kampa:) Woohooo morje na vidiku!!!Vendar poln prtlažnik stvari-_-
Najprej smo se vpisali v kamp nato pozdravili naše prjatle in se namestili v njihovo prikolico:) Takoj po pakiranju pa uživancija:) Vsi smo najprej sprobali vse plaže ki nam ponuja kamp:) Najprej seveda "Naša plaža" ki je zelo lepa in tam smo zmeraj preplavali zaliv ki je meril dobrih 100m v eno smer nato je sledila "Zelena plaža" tam smo se naučili skakati v vodo tako da čim bolj leti morje v zrak:). Za njo je sledila plaža pravega "Srca" in lahko sklepate da je bila plaža dobesedno v obliki srca(seveda naravnega izvora). Po njej smo šli na plažo "Plošče".Tukaj smo se lepo sončali ter gledali za lepimi oblinami in potezami ženskega telesa:)Kaj češ 7 moških na kupov =...use your imagination;).Na koncu je pa prišla Plaža ki si zasluži spoštovanje.Imenuje se "Špic!".Jap to je plaža s katere se mora skočit v morje iz višine 5-10metrov in nato se povzpeti po pečinah navzgor;) Makes your Adrenalin go SKY HIGH baby:) No na kratko imeli smo se super...Delali smo vse norčije kar je možn npr. enga smo skopali na tušu za pse in on se je dobesedno delal da je pes,nato ko smo bili pod tuši smo peli narodne pesmi ter moj dobri prijatelj RUBUZ ki je ponosen da je slovenc se je vsakih 5 minut dru:"SLOVENIJA!!!!EU!". Jap bili smo ponosni da ga imamo:). Takoj na začetku smo ugotovili da moj prenosni računalnik ni imel dobrih zvočnikov in smo si jih nato kupili. 2.1v sistem zvočnikov za 100kun in imel je radio noter že vgrajen...kr kul stvarca:) dovolj močna da smo vsem kamperjem pokazal kje smo Slovenci:) Seveda nabijali smo tudi Techno,Metal in Hip-Hop musko:). Šli smo tudi na gokarte vendar so nas razočarali s hitrostjo in organiziranostjo:/ Krško rulz!!!:)Na kratko spoznali smo veliko Italijank(katere niso znale english:/ in 3 mlade so nas osvajale vendar ker smo mi ze 18 se nismo upal kej preveč drezat pa smo sam gledal pa si kej besed razumnih in nerazumnih izmenjal", tudi nemk je nekaj bilo (še posebi ta zadni dan ko nas je sam 3 ostal da spakiramo prkolico in nas je kr dost deklet gledal haha).Aja ne smem pozabit Sonču sm se tud!!! Haha jap mal barvice sm dubu:).Aja da ne pozabim še omenit to emm predzadni dan, to je bil emm 14.8 (jst sm drgač ostal do 19.8. sam drugi frendi so potem sli pa sta sam moja najbest frenda ostala ker je to njihova prkolca), smo šli na pečino katera je približno 30 m visoka (in s katere je moj prjatu zbiral pogum 2 leti da bi skocil z nje). Najprej je sel en prjatu ki je bil najbolsi skakalec od vseh nas prvi noter:) Nato ne boste verjeli je en pogumen fant brez pomisleka mu sledil.Ne niste prav uganli...ni to bil moj prjatu ampak sm to bil jst-_-. Skok je bil Fenomenalen!!! Tulk adrenalina v lifu še nism mel:) Ok razen na GHD-u(Gorsko Hitrostna Dirka).Anyway na kratko Bilo je fenomenalno:)Can't wait for next year i say:).
Ok to bo zdej en Big fatty post in se opravičujem ker nism baš lepo pisu sam morte razumet...11 dni bit brez pisala in brez pisanja na računalniku te mal emmm zjebe:)
Anyway upam da ste se vi imeli vsi isto tolk fajn kot jst če ne še bolj;)
*SLOVENIJA!EU!*-citat slavnega RUBUZA:)
Avtor Eagle ob 23:54 4 komentarji
torek, 7. avgust 2007
Vem vem...presenečeni ste da sem tudi jaz naredil blog...niste edini;) Sam kaj češ...dolgčas naredi svoje:/ Bom probal malo pisat pa svojo zgodbo kar tuki štimat po delih pa bom vidu če se je sploh kej splačal tole al pa nč.
Mja škodit ne more ane:) or can it ô.-
Avtor Eagle ob 16:03 5 komentarji